Vienna Austria

Rick Steves’ Europe Travel Guide | In this program, we’ll nibble chocolate cake at an Old World café, and marvel at the indomitable Gothic cathedral at the heart …

23 thoughts on “Vienna Austria

  1. Dojocho says:

    Vienna is the most beautiful city in the world and people told me the Austrians were rude…when I visited I met so many friendly Austrians. As a american..there is no way you can compare anywhere in the US to Vienna…any Viennese people want to adopt a cello playing older gentleman?

  2. lila 123456789 says:

    Ignore this comment as this is a personal msg for someone

    For michael
    Maybe one day we can finally get to truly know each other. I can tell that you're having a somewhat distorted perception of me but thats alright.
    Dont be hesitant to show me your your hobbies and etc.
    We can make it.
    I love you so much 💜💜

  3. B Ghok Lang says:

    I started my trip to Europe last September in Vienna and was glad I saw it. My plans quickly unraveled but after visiting 15 cities in 7 different countries I unexpectedly ended up in Prague which had also once been part of the Austro-Hungarian empire.

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